Water Pollution

Research Article By: Emily Malorny

As humans, we need water to survive. Not only do our bodies need it every day, but simple tasks such as cleaning or cooking also require it daily. To most, water pollution is inconceivable. We all know it exists, but we don’t worry because it might not affect us directly. Even though that might be the case for most, numerous locations across the globe are being phased with an issue that seemed unimaginable before. Rather than going on with their day without worrying about where their drinking water is coming from, individuals face a daily struggle to find clean, uncontaminated water. 

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, “Water pollution is the contamination of water sources by substances which make the water unusable for drinking, cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other activities. Pollutants include chemicals, trash, bacteria, and parasites. All forms of pollution eventually make their way to the water.”. The effects of consuming such polluted water are endless. The World Health Organization says diseases and illnesses such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid can all be directly linked to the emaciation of polluted water. Water pollution is far from ever becoming an issue in many highly developed, small towns, such as Sustainable Health’s home base – Hinsdale. However, water pollution is a daily struggle in southern states such as Louisiana, Texas, and Alabama. 

Specifically, in Brady, Texas, civilians are faced with their drinking water being contaminated with radium, that is 9 times above the EPA limit. Radium has been directly linked to bone and lung cancer. It has also been found that the exposure or consumption of radium can affect an individual’s blood, eyes, and teeth. Rather than drinking the water that is directly connected to their home, or a central water source, the people of Brady, Texas, oftentimes choose to drink the majority of their water from plastic, store-bought, single-use, water bottles. Using single-use plastic water bottles can be seen as an issue of its own, considering the amount of plastic pollution worldwide. However, it seems like their only safe option for those in Brady, Texas. 

A single-home water filtration system can cost up to $4,000 and commercial ones for more significant buildings such as restaurants can cost up to $20,000. For most paying such a price is near impossible, and maintaining the filtration systems only leads to more outstanding prices that those in low-income areas can’t afford. Companies such as LifeStraw have recognized the problem at hand and invented a low-cost alternative for people to be able to filter their water. They have created filtration systems ranging from water pitchers to small straws with the same function: to make your water filtered and safe to consume. 

Other than companies, different corporations, such as Cooperation Jackson, have taken it upon themselves to help those in need. Cooperation Jackson, based in Jackson, Mississippi, aims to incorporate more sustainability, economic democracy, and community ownership. 

One way to severely decrease the water pollution our world faces today is through recycling and picking up the litter we see in the streets. The simple task of separating all reusable materials from those that need to be disposed of after a single use can make a larger impact than we all realize. Other ways include

  • having a compost in your backyard,
  • using home cleaners that are phosphate-free, and
  • being cautious about what you flush down your toilet.

Every action counts, and the sooner we make a change, the better. 

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